Health Benefits of Spaghetti Squash

Aids Weight Loss

One cup of cooked spaghetti squash only has 42 calories, compared to a cup of cooked pasta with over 200 calories. It only has 10 grams of total carbs, which is 1/4 the amount you get from pasta. You’ll also get 9% of the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber, also delivering a range of nutrients, including vitamins C and A, Potassium & Calcium. Spaghetti squash contains a fair amount of fiber, with 2.2 g, or 9 percent of the RDI, per 1-cup serving. Fiber also helps with weight reduction as it makes you feel fuller longer.

Spaghetti squash is nutritionally superior to regular white pasta, which doesn’t contain vitamins or much nutritional content. This versatile squash contains vitamin A and vitamin C, which can help prevent free radical damage to cells. Spaghetti squash is also rich in the B vitamins riboflavin, niacin, and thiamin, which promote optimal cellular function.

Eye Health
Other antioxidants found in this squash variety are beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are all linked to healthy vision and optimal eye health. Beta-carotene can also prevent atherosclerosis by lowering the cholesterol levels. It is also beneficial for people with insulin resistance.

Helps Prevent Birth Defects
Folate is also found in this bright-colored vegetable, which supports the formation and development of new cells and helps prevent birth defects, making this squash an ideal food for pregnant women.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health
The fact that spaghetti squash has a lot of potassium makes it the ideal diet for people with blood pressure. It can amazingly lower high blood pressure if consumed over time. The folate contained in the spaghetti squash helps in strengthening the walls of blood vessels besides enhancing blood circulation. Potassium is a mineral that maintains proper muscle and nerve function, and it is also found in spaghetti squash, making it helpful for people with high blood pressure.

Anti-Inflammatory To Fight Cancer & Arthritis
Spaghetti squash contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to help prevent heart diseases, inflammation, arthritis and different types of cancers. The Omega-6 fatty acids are also ideal for promoting proper brain function, and are also essential for proper functioning of the body.

Other Health Benefits
Recent studies suggest that this squash is good for prostate health, and it can also be used for treating benign prostate enlargement. Manganese, a mineral that assists in bone and tissue heath, metabolism, calcium absorption, and nerve function, is another key component.

Preparing and Eating Spaghetti Squash
When cooking spaghetti squash, you can avoid adding calories to your food by selecting cooking methods that do not require large amounts of added fats or oils. I usually bake or broil a halved squash until it feels tender, then scrape the cooked insides out with a fork, which separates the squash into strands.

If you have time constraints, pierce the squash’s skin with a fork in several different location and cook it in the microwave. In addition to using spaghetti squash as a spaghetti substitute, try adding it to other dishes to boost your nutrient intake.

However, like other winter squash, spaghetti squash has a tough rind that’s difficult to cut, so the easiest approach is to bake or boil it whole. After it’s cooked, it’s a breeze to cut in half, so you can then scrap it with a fork to separate it into strands.

Spaghetti squash makes for a delicious and nutritious ingredient in quiches or frittatas, or try blending the cooked squash into soups or savory sauces to add texture and flavor.

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