Acorn Squash
Health Benefits of Acorn Squash Some of the health benefits of acorn squash include its ability to boost the immune system, prevent certain types of cancer, improve vision, protect the skin, strengthen the bones, reduce blood pressure, maintain fluid balance, regulate blood sugar and cholesterol, improve digestion, and maintain proper circulation. Acorn squash is aptly [...]
Health Benefits of Asparagus The health benefits of asparagus include fertility, relief from pre-menstrual syndrome, cancer, diabetes, hangover, cataract, rheumatism, tuberculosis, depression, neurodegenerative diseases, and convulsions. It also reduces urinary tract infections and blood cholesterol. It improves digestive health, is beneficial during pregnancy, helps in lowering levels of homocysteine in the body, and maintains cardiovascular [...]
Health Benefits of Beets The health benefits of beets include the treatment of anemia, indigestion, constipation, piles, kidney disorders, dandruff, gall bladder disorders, cancer, and heart disease. It also helps to prevent macular degeneration, improve blood circulation, aid in skin care, prevent cataracts and mediate respiratory problems. These health benefits of beet roots can be [...]
Butternut Squash
Health Benefits of Butternut Squash Butternut squash is one of the most common varieties of winter squash. Like other winter squash, it has a hard exterior and firm flesh and is chock full of vitamin A, potassium and fiber. Contrary to the name, winter squash is grown in the summer and harvested in the fall. [...]
Carnival Squash
Health Benefits of Carnival Squash Carnival squash are pumpkin-shaped and have unique markings on their skin. The skin is thick and hard compared to summer squash, and is not eaten. The flesh is similar to butternut squash and sweet potatoes. They are delicious sautéed with olive oil and fresh herbs. How to Select Carnival Squash [...]
Health Benefits of Carrots The health benefits of carrots include reduced cholesterol, prevention from heart attacks, warding off of certain cancers, improving vision, and reducing the signs of premature aging. Furthermore, carrots have the ability to increase the health of your skin, boost the immune system, improve digestion, increase cardiovascular health, detoxify the body, and [...]
Celery Cabbage
Health Benefits of Celery Cabbage The health benefits of cabbage include frequent use as a treatment for constipation, stomach ulcers, headaches, obesity, skin disorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease. Did you know that the inexpensive, humble and widely used cabbage can practically work miracles? Cabbage is [...]
Health Benefits of Celery Celery lowers cholesterol levels and arthritis pain, helps in weight loss, detoxifies the body, reduces high blood pressure, and promotes overall health in a vast number of ways. It is rich in vitamin C and hence extremely beneficial. Celery is a plant of the Apiaceae family, and is a plant, consumed [...]
Health Benefits of Cucumbers Cucumbers are extremely beneficial for overall health, especially during the summer since it is mostly made of water and important nutrients that are essential for the human body. The flesh of cucumbers is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and folic acid while the hard skin of cucumbers is rich in [...]